City Manager Randy Frazer
118 W. Central Ave
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-4414
City Launches Logo Survey
The City of Arkansas City is announcing the launch of a survey to gather citizen input regarding the potential adoption of a new city logo. This initiative seeks to engage the community in a collaborative process to create a symbol that reflects the spirit, values, and identity of Arkansas City.
The survey is available online at Paper copies are also available at City Hall for those who prefer to provide feedback in person.
"We believe it's essential to involve our citizens in decisions that impact our community's identity," said Randy Frazer, City Manager of Arkansas City. "The input we receive through this survey will play a role in shaping the future of our city's visual representation."
The survey will cover various aspects of the proposed logo's design, symbolism, and messaging. Citizens can express their preferences, offer suggestions, and provide comments to help guide the logo design process effectively.
"We encourage all residents of Arkansas City to participate in this survey and share their thoughts on what they believe best represents our community," added Frazer.
The survey will remain open until April 1, 2024.