Boards and Commissions
118 W. Central Ave.
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-4412
Arkansas City Public Library Board of Trustees
Charter Ordinance Nos. 8, 8A, 19, 20, and 33; Municipal Code Part II, Chapter 2, Article III, Division 8. The Mayor appoints six (6) members with the consent of the Board of City Commissioners. All board members shall be residents of Arkansas City. There is a term limit of three (3) consecutive three-year (3) terms. The Mayor is an ex officio member of the board with voting privileges but may appoint another City Commissioner to serve in his or her place.
Membership shall always include no less than four (4) members with a disability or a relative or primary caretaker of a person with a disability. Those with experience working with people with disabilities and those with expertise in accessibility issues will be given preference for appointments.
Terms are for three years. The Board shall meet at least semi-annually. Currently meeting on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 PM at the Arkansas City Public Library.
View the current Arkansas City Public Library Board of Directors, minutes and more.
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