Neighborhood Services Division
118 W. Central Ave.
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-4420
Central Christian Church
206 West Central Avenue
The Central Christian Church of Arkansas City was born one night in 1877, when 13 men and women met in the Parker schoolhouse 3 miles east of town to discuss the need for a church. From 1877 until 1882, the small congregation met outside of town.
But two years later, they began to hold services in a hall located where the Burford Theatre now stands. Then they began meeting in the First Ward school building (now Roosevelt Elementary School).
By 1886, the congregation had built a 28- by 40-foot frame church located on Central Avenue, just north of the current church’s entrance on First Street.
The current church building was begun in 1921 and completed in 1923.