Boards and Commissions
118 W. Central Ave.
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-4412
Planning Commission Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a request is on file in the office of the Planning Commission of the City of Arkansas City, Kansas for the following:
Consideration of the rezoning of a property from an R-2-Medium Density Residential District to a C-2 Restricted Commercial District the following described tract commonly known as 425 W Quincy Avenue:
The North 415 feet of the following described tracts:
The West 460 feet of Outlot A, Gooch’s Addition to Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
Part of said Outlot A beginning at a point 132 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Outlot A, thence 160 feet West, thence 630 feet South, thence 160 feet East, thence 630 feet North to the Point of Beginning.
Consideration of the advisability of granting a conditional use permit for a self-storage facility at the property described above. A conditional use permit is required for this use in the C-2 Restricted Commercial District.
Public hearings will be held on the 12th day of September 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Conference Room at the Water Treatment Facility 400 W Madison Ave. Members of the public are also welcome to join the meeting via GoToMeeting. For information on how to access the meeting in that manner, please contact Josh White at 620-441-4420.
Reasonable accommodation will be made available to persons with disabilities. Requests for accommodations should be submitted to Josh White in the Neighborhood Services Division by September 5, 2023, at 5:00 PM. All interested parties take notice thereof.