Neighborhood Services Division
118 W. Central Ave.
Arkansas City, KS 67005
(620) 441-4420
Zoning Regulations
What is zoning and why do we need zoning regulations?
Simply put, zoning is the language of the physical city. It aims to promote an orderly pattern of development and to separate incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses and homes, to ensure a pleasant environment. The zoning regulations, adopted May 20, 2014 pursuant to Kansas law are enacted for the purpose and intent of:
Promoting and serving the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Arkansas City.
Obtaining the objectives of the comprehensive plan, including the objectives of future land use maps.
Preserving and protecting property values.
Regulating and restricting location and use of buildings and land. To create zoning districts sensitive to the peculiarities of the allowed uses and designed to protect and enhance the values inherent in each zone.
Regulating and restricting the height, number of stories, and size of buildings; the percentage of lots that may be occupied by buildings and other structures; and the size of yards, and other open spaces.
Avoiding the undue concentration of populations and to prevent overcrowding in the use of land and community facilities.
Providing adequate notice of amendments to these regulations and an opportunity for interested parties to be heard.
Facilitating the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public improvements and services, and to carry out the goals and objectives as set forth in applicable laws of the State of Kansas and the adopted comprehensive plan for the City of Arkansas City.
Informing the public regarding future development in the City of Arkansas City thereby providing a basis for wise decisions with respect to such development.
Note: Flood maps can be viewed in Appendix I of the Comprehensive Plan. For more information on the ordinance, see the Floodplain Management Ordinance below.